Service Specializations

Handling Relationships and Life Transitions


Maybe it’s a career change, relocation, breakup, or perhaps just that feeling of “being stuck” or lost. Changes in life can easily shift your mental health and affect your day-to-day functioning, creating an unfamiliar state of vulnerability and self-doubt. These transitions can be pivotal, empowering times of self-growth and confidence but often require creating a new sense of stability and acceptance.

Managing Anxiety


Feeling continually worried, stressed, or overwhelmed about the future and what’s to come? Anxiety can manifest in many ways and feel incredibly debilitating. It can be related to external factors such as work or relationships or be internalized in perfectionism or fearfulness. Overcoming anxiety can require creating new patterns in thoughts and behaviors as well as uncovering deeper layers of our unconscious driving forces.

Treating Depression


Many experience depression as ongoing symptoms of feeling down, hopeless, or sad. It can also be more subtle and present itself as “feeling blah,” exhausted, trouble concentrating, or not experiencing happiness in the ways you used to. Working through depression can be rooted in creation healthy habits, exploring inner thoughts and feelings, and creating a sense of meaning and self-worth.

Overcoming Trauma


Trauma can be a single damaging event or a series of events that alters your emotional state, changing the way you think and feel. It can create major stress and show up in variety of ways, unique to each individual. Healing trauma is an ongoing process that takes a multifacet approach in restoring the brain and body wiring. My goal is to provide a safe space to process trauma and provide skills around the symptoms it causes.

Neurodiverse Affirming Care

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • ADHD and Difficulty Focusing

  • Coping Skills

  • Coaching and Goal Setting

Cost per Session: $170

 It's my belief that mental healthcare should be accessible to all and in turn offer a flexible sliding scale in effort to reduce limitations to receiving services.